On September 5, 2023, La Pepita Editorial announces the first national women's poetry and literature contest.

1. The award is only for women born in Guatemala.
2. The work must be unpublished, without a publishing house or promise of publication.
3. The work to be submitted to the jury must have a minimum of 40 pages, and a maximum of 60 pages composed of several poems, or just one.
4. Theme: Free.
5. The originals, with freedom of subject and form, must be completely unpublished. They must be sent by email to lapepitaeditorial@gmail.com in pdf format, and 3 printed copies to the address: 5 avenue 18-58, floor 1201, zone 14 Plenum, between the hours of 9:am to 5:pm, without stating the identity of the author.
6. Each original must contain: a. Font: Arial, 12 point size, line 1.5 – letter b size. The file name: title of the work in capital letters; c. The extension as indicated.
7. The attachment must be a PDF, and it must include separately, the personal data (name without pseudonym; address; telephone; and email), as well as a brief biographical summary and copy of the Dpi.
8. The jury is made up of members who will remain secret and whose names will be announced at the time of the ruling being made public, which will be unappealable.
9. The prize consists of Q40,000 plus a diploma.
10. The sponsoring entity reserves the right to sponsor the publication of 1,000 copies, in physical and POD with La Pepita Editorial seal. If the work is published, 20 copies will be delivered free of charge to the author.
11. No correspondence will be kept regarding this competition.
12. The prize winner agrees to be a member of the jury for the subsequent year in which she won the prize. The winner must sign and notarize an agreement to be a jury member for the subsequent year following their victory.
13. The presentation of the ODETTE ARZU CASTILLO award implies total acceptance of its rules, the interpretation of which, including the right to declare it void, will be left to the jury's judgment. In the event of failing to comply with any of the requirements or rules of the contest, the
organizers can withdraw the award and it's benefits.
The contest opens on September 5, 2023 and closes on April 16, 2024. La Pepita Editorial will reveal the date of the award ceremony on September 15, 2024.

Odette Arzu Castillo

1. The award is only for women born in Guatemala.
2. The work must be unpublished, without a publishing house or promise of publication.
3. The work to be submitted to the jury must have a minimum of 50 pages, and a maximum of 75 pages composed of several poems, or just one.
4. Theme: Free.
5. Genre: Story or creative essay, or a combination of the two.
6. The originals, with freedom of subject and form, must be completely unpublished. They must be sent by email to lapepitaeditorial@gmail.com in pdf format, and 3 printed copies to the address: 5 avenue 18-58, floor 1201, zone 14 Plenum, between the hours of 9:am to 5:pm, without stating the identity of the author.
7. Each original must contain: a. Font: Arial, 12 point size, line 1.5 – letter b size. The file name: title of the work in capital letters; c. The extension as indicated.
8. The attachment must be a PDF, and it must include separately, the personal data (name without pseudonym; address; telephone; and email), as well as a brief biographical summary and copy of the Dpi.
9. The jury is made up of members who will remain secret and whose names will be announced at the time of the ruling being made public, which will be unappealable.
10. The prize consists of Q40,000 plus a diploma.
11. The sponsoring entity reserves the right to sponsor the publication of 1,000 copies, in physical and POD with La Pepita Editorial seal. If the work is published, 20 copies will be delivered free of charge to the author.
12. No correspondence will be kept regarding this competition.
13. The prize winner agrees to be a member of the jury for the subsequent year in which she won the prize. The winner must sign and notarize an agreement to be a jury member for the subsequent year following their victory.
14. The presentation of the MARIA GOUBAUD DE CASTILLO award implies total acceptance of its rules, the interpretation of which, including the right to declare it void, will be left to the jury's judgment. In the event of failing to comply with any of the requirements or rules of the contest, the
organizers can withdraw the award and it's benefits.
The contest opens on September 5, 2023 and closes on April 16, 2024. La Pepita Editorial will reveal the date of the award ceremony on September 15, 2024.